The vice-president of the Chilean Institute of Mining Engineers, Fernando Silva, was present on TXS Plus’ «Mining of Tomorrow» programme. During the interview, the IIMCh representative talked about industry issues, but with special emphasis on what will be the realisation of Copper 2022 in Chile, after 9 years.
«Copper 2022 was born in 1987 when the Institute of Mining Engineers of Chile together with its Canadian counterpart, The Metallurgy and Materials Society of CIM (METSOC) decided to take the first step towards these conferences. In Chile, the last time it was held was in 2013 and today, after 9 years, we are once again fortunate to be the hosts of the largest event in the world, the host the largest event, worldwide, that talks about copper,» Silva explained.
«Copper is a very noble metal whose main characteristic is that it is a great conductor of energy,» said Silva.
The Chairman of Copper 2022 will be Ivan Arriagada and the event will be held from 13 to 17 November. Among the new features of Copper 2022 are short courses, plenary sessions, round tables and symposiums on nine interesting aspects of the mining industry.